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This page will serve as an index for all the analysis we will be conducting. For example, this is a tentative list with a couple of pages:

  Sites Taxa Description Link
31 Magdalena All Abundant spp link
13 Natividad All Abundant spp link
14 Rosario All Abundant spp link
3 All All Data files store in Github link
4 All All Maps of the sites link
5 All All Metadata link
28 Magdalena All Algae Time series abundance link
24 Natividad All Algae Time series abundance link
29 Magdalena All fish Time series abundance link
23 Natividad All fish Time series abundance link
9 Natividad All inverts MDS plots by Year link
30 Magdalena All inverts Time series abundance link
10 Natividad All inverts Time series abundance link
12 Natividad Centrostephanus Time series abundance link
26 Natividad Consession Inverts Time series abundance link
27 Natividad Eiseniaarborea Time series abundance link
1 All Haliotiscorrugata Basic population stats link
8 Natividad Haliotiscorrugata Time series abundance link
2 All Haliotisfulgens Basic population stats link
21 Natividad Kelletiakelletii Time series abundance link
6 All kelp bass Basic population stats link
17 Natividad Megastreaturbanica Time series abundance link
15 Natividad Megastreaundusa Time series abundance link
19 Natividad Megathuracrenulata Time series abundance link
25 Natividad Mesocentrotus Time series abundance link
16 Natividad Muriceaspp Time series abundance link
11 Natividad Panulirusinterruptus Time series abundance link
18 Natividad Parastichopus Time series abundance link
22 Natividad Pisaster Time series abundance link
7 All sheephead Basic population stats link
20 Natividad Strongylocentrotus Time series abundance link