Paralabrax clathratus

The “Cabrilla” Paralabrax clathratus are one of the most abundant species of fish in this region of Baja California. This document is a small exploration of the population dynamics of cabrilla in Isla Natividad. Click here if you want to see or change the code. Or click here if you want to see the data we used for this analysis.

We have only considered the “cabrillas” in Isla Natividad because there is not enough data available for “cabrillas” in Isla Magdalena at this moment. The following table shows that there is only 87 observations of cabrillas in Magdalena in 2012. For the rest of this report, we focused only in Isla Natividad.

##        IslaMagdalena IslaNatividad
##   2006             0           163
##   2007             0           701
##   2008             0           793
##   2009             0           997
##   2010             0          1105
##   2011             0          1001
##   2012            87          1381
##   2013             0          1028

The data for these fish were collected inside and outside Marine Protected Areas

Size frequency of cabrilla in Isla Natividad inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

## null device 
##           1

This result suggests that there are no significant size differences between fish inside and outside MPAs in Isla Natividad.

In addition, we were unable to identify size diference among all the years of this samping effort

However, if we look at the relative abunance of cabrilla in Natividad insisde and outside the reserve

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