
The “Abalone” Haliotis corrugata is one of the most economically imporatant species in Baja California. This document is a small exploration of the population dynamics of abalones around Isla Natividad. Click here if you want to see or change the code. Or click here if you want to see the data we used for this analysis.

The following table is the data available for Isla Nativida and Bahía Magdalnea. The Data for El Rosario is being cleaned up at this moment. But when is ready, It will be posted here

##        IslaMagdalena IslaNatividad Rosario
##   2006             0           854       0
##   2007             0           900       0
##   2008             0           532       0
##   2009             0           541       0
##   2010            21           395       0
##   2011            62           253       0
##   2012           119           153       0
##   2013            14           167       0
##   2014           121           440      36

The data for these invertebrates were collected inside and outside Marine Protected Areas

Size frequency

Isla Natividad

Size frequency inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

##         Fished Reserve
## Min.      2.00    3.00
## 1st Qu.  10.00   11.00
## Median   13.00   13.00
## Mean     12.67   13.05
## 3rd Qu.  15.00   15.00
## Max.     23.00   21.00
## NA's     34.00    2.00
## null device 
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Isla Magdalena

Size frequency of pink abalone in Bahia Magdalena inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

##         Fished Reserve
## Min.      5.00    5.00
## 1st Qu.   8.00   10.00
## Median   11.00   12.00
## Mean     10.69   11.72
## 3rd Qu.  13.00   13.00
## Max.     15.00   17.00
## NA's     47.00   43.00
## null device 
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El Rosario

Size frequency of pink abalone in Rosario inside and outside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

##         Fished Reserve
## Min.       7.0    8.00
## 1st Qu.   10.0   10.00
## Median    11.0   12.00
## Mean      11.5   12.44
## 3rd Qu.   13.0   15.00
## Max.      15.0   17.00
## NA's       4.0    3.00
## null device 
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Size differences

This result suggests that there are no significant size differences between abalone inside and outside MPAs in Isla Natividad and Bahia Magdalena.

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Size time series

Next we looked at the size time series

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Relative abundance

However, if we look at the relative abunance of green abalone in Natividad insisde and outside the reserve

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