

## Instrument already in the water ## Instrument never been in the water

(Thermistors with black tape belongs to Brock and needs to be brought back to Stanford) # Instrument Details Description of the instrument: data collected, image, brand, etc


Building a mooring

Maintaining a mooring


(if the instrument is in the water go to section on retreval)

keep notes of which thermistor was at which site and depth (serial #); Small brush in sensor area, clean and dried



  1. Just soak it in a bucket of water as soon as you can

Supplies needed for retrival

  1. Maha is going to send us this list

Clean instrument

  1. rinse with fresh water (soak in fresh water)
  2. Scrape all balanus off the instrument
  3. If too hard, soak in white vinager
  4. Dry the instrument

Downloading Data

  1. Open the printed copy of the manual before anything (keep a hard coppy with you all the time)
  2. Install SeaTermV2 sofware from the CD. Sometimes if you install the sorfware from the website, the driver doesn´t work.
  3. Open SeaTermV2 software
  4. Connect thermistor USB cable
  5. Click on SBE 56 Temperature Logger option N
  6. Check dates and number of samples in memory with the local time (local time should be set on the computer before connecting with the thermistor to computer)
  7. Double check that the instrument is working correctly with the number of samples in memmory ant the battery life.
  1. Click on upload (bottom right icon)
  2. Save Menu → into the folder (xml file) name it eg “Instrument_Site_6MAB_TimeFrame_SerialNumber_DownloadDate.xml”
  3. All Data
  4. Click Upload → takes about 10-15min
    1. Plotting could freeze the computer
  5. Export the files in all different formats possible just for redundancy
    1. Double check the name path
    2. xml file to cnv (make it is Julian Date format),check box output sample number
    3. xml file to csv select file formats (mmddyy), check box output sample number
    4. open the cnv file in note pad (text file) to double check that the data is correct
    5. DO NOT CHANGE any of the data

Data back-up

Make multiple copies of the data in multiple systems. For example, copy the file in multiple computers, external hardrives and thumb drives.

Keep the RAW data the way it is DO NOT CHANGE anything in the raw datafile.

File naming convention


Data delivery

Instrument maintainence

## Supplies needed to set up the instrument

## Batteries changes i. orings i. grease for orings


  1. Check date and time accuracy – click on set time to … box
  2. Sample period should be 2 sec
  3. Click on new battery box if new
  4. Select time to start sampling – click ok
  5. Click on update configuration and check all parameters
  6. Check o-rings for dust, use kim wipes to wipe, use spray silicone lubricant; change desiccant if needed; use the black plastic opener for popping out battery; battery should be 3.6V

Instrument preparation for field deployment

## Taping ## Labels on instruments ## Table with deployment information/ metadata


Table supplies for this instrument

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