Follow these directions:

  1. Open RStudio
  2. Choose File->New Project
  3. When asked, choose “Create Project from Version Control”
  4. Then when asked choose “Git”
  5. For repository URL use this:
  6. Let the project directory be named baja
  7. Put it somewhere. You might consider having a dedicated directory for all your work in this project.
  8. Hit “Create Project”.
  9. This will download all the files in the repository into the path you seclected and into an Rstudio Project.
  10. Now, this is important immediately go to the “Tools” menu item in RStudio and within it choose “Shell…”. This will pop up a command prompt window (Terminal window on a mac. GitBash Window or a Command Prompt Window on PC).
  11. In that command window type this:

    git branch YourName
    and be sure to hit RETURN after that! This puts your work into a different “branch” of the repository.
  12. You now have all the data and code I have been working on.
  13. Then go ahead and open up files or folders, change the code, or create your own files to contribute to this effort.
  14. Once you are done, commit the changes that you made.
  15. Add comments to your commits and hit PULL to create your pull requests.

Check out this youtube video about this process:

Everything Is AWESOME

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