Workshop day 2

Workshop day 3

Social ecological systems vulnerability.

Principal goal<-Work with fisherman to sustain livelihoods and ecosystem health in the face of environmnetal change - Environmental variability - External support of local adaptation - Local governance and capacity for adatptation - Provition of ecosystems goods and services

Posible ecosystem responses:

Synthesis papers: - promoting resilience in coastal ses - Recovery past legacy (El Rosario example)

El Rosario example:

1940 - 1990 high production 2001 - 2001 Tragedy of the commons 2006 - 2011 Unity and cooperation - zero tolerance

Abalone story in Natividad

Monitoring data

San Nicholas Island

Brock´s oceanographic data

Demographics and modelling - Guilio

Social Resilience from Elena

COBI new structure

Main ingridient is participation, values: inclusion, particiaption and transparency with 4 strategic lines: 1. Strong leaders and fishing organizations 1. Sustainable fisheries - Marine stuarship coucil - Monterrey bay acuarium - Fair trade standard 1. Fully protected Marine Reserves - 12 sites - 3 regional networks - 46 000 hectars 1. Public Policy - There is also a transversal line which is participatory science - María Espinosa showed COBI´s action plan and programs for the next couple of years. - For MPAs, they want to know how MPas are working in Bajaa - Diagnostic - Continue the monitoring process - revise and update monitoring mothodologies - Exploring a financial mechanism for the self suficiency of Marine Reserves - All result in the different regions should inform policy in a National Level. In other words.. they want to apply lessons learned from detailed studies like in Baja and iform the rest of Mexico. - Larry Crowder said that Funding Sources dont really support the Capacity building (Cobi´s stron leaders and fshing orgaizations). Funders would much rather to give you money to make pieces of legislations and plocy changes in fishing management rahter than giving you money to build local capacity. - Fio said that maybe having or helping build an institution like FEDECOAP that provide continueity to local capacity, leadership for marine management. - Fisherman exanges sharing experineces are very important tool that COBI is exploring - Juan Camilo, suggested to deal with the fish buyers (market) becuase these have the capacity to complety change the game. It is a very important part of the community that needts to take into the account. THe whole project depends a lot on the price of the products this communities exploit and the livelihoods of the fhisherman. this is very cool

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