Social ecological systems vulnerability.
Principal goal<-Work with fisherman to sustain livelihoods and ecosystem health in the face of environmnetal change - Environmental variability - External support of local adaptation - Local governance and capacity for adatptation - Provition of ecosystems goods and services
Posible ecosystem responses:
Synthesis papers: - promoting resilience in coastal ses - Recovery past legacy (El Rosario example)
El Rosario example:
- Evidence of seastar wasting syndrome
- White abalone recovery components
- Social
- ecologcial
- oceanographic This is one of the largest consetions in Mexico (Unidad y cooperación es el lema de la cooperativa)
1940 - 1990 high production 2001 - 2001 Tragedy of the commons 2006 - 2011 Unity and cooperation - zero tolerance
- What is the population biology of these abalones and if it is posible to recover in only 10 years?
- What are the differences on the oceanography from other sites that have been protected. Why other places are not that succesful
- Is it really the protection of this place the only cause of the recovery?
- What about the conflict with the other fisherman around the reserve? What is the rol of the goverment to reduce the conflicts.
- How the fisherman community is connected to each other as well as how the reef is connected to each other?
- Maybe the Kelletia study is importan for this issue to better understand what is going on with reef connectivity.
- what about the idea of a network
Abalone story in Natividad
- what is the x factor?
- What happend to abalone after settlement and recruitment?
- Apparently is the warmest ocean outhere. But Steven and Broke said maybe not so much
- Seems like depth is very important for abalone survivorship. Charlie suggest to avoid shallow waters (<10 m) for invert restauration. Hypoxia hits harder at shallower waters.
- High temperatures with normal hypoxia is not that important for killing abalones
- What ups with the different soruces of abalones. For example, all the abalones in la purisima died
- Explore the idea of multimple stressors.
- Is there anyway to control for food quality into growth and survivor? Mia Tegner showed that food quality affects growth of abalones. In this study it has been assumed that quality is the same across the experiments. Eventhough that the experiment did not controled the food quality
Monitoring data
- the only winer is the lobster
- but be carefull becuase is resilient but maybe not sustainable
- Also, it is subsidise by bait - things that they are not used to eat.
- Is there any other winner? how many other spp are the loosers?
- Think about the reserves… explore the datasets if the mpas are in good places?
- places wiht intermediate exposure of upwellings seems to show less exposure to hypoxia. Maybe somewher around 10 m depth from piedra maria to el nido. Other places are shallow areas of morro prieto.
- think about water retention to enhance reproduction, also where abalones are bigger and denser. This will anhance fertilization and effects of an MPA.
- maybe ablaone aggregations, medium levels of upwelling, water retention could be good system indicators.
San Nicholas Island
- analysis
- monosmith
- Natalie, Fio´s student is working on thsi analysis
Brock´s oceanographic data
- Seems like the warmest time with the most hypoxic waters are in August (he showed some graphs) Also similiar to more acidic waters.
- the question about this, is that the timing of the monitoring data collection is OK?
- Early meassures could be implemented if there is a way to perform a fsherman monitoring program
- The market in brazil is base on how the weather is going to be this seasson. (Some confident predictions of how is going to happen)
- Are these changes in the oceanogrphic conditions are going to increase in both frequency, intensity and maybe duration. What are the predictions for that?
- sst and estratification could be one of the better indicators beucase it goes way back. Correlating SST with Estratficiation.
- What about the Cavanaugh dataset?
- can growth,recuitmnetn, predation, or something else (ike integration of different variables) serve as an indicators??? IMPORTANT
Demographics and modelling - Guilio
- Can marine reserves increase resilience? to answer this questions they made a model
- what about the network reserve
- Under different environtmental conditions and fhishing impacts what are the short term and long term responses of the abalone populations
Social Resilience from Elena
- She explained how fishers are becoming more diversified
- What are the differences between Elena´s work and the work we did this summer 2014 with Carlos? IMPORTANTE
- Fishers exposed to disturbance are more resilient - more capacity to adapt
- High wind was an important issue for fishers because they can not go out fishing if there is wind
- Leaders in this communities where found to take advantage (both econmically and personally).
- Another major stress are the buyers
- Diversification is not necesary related to the coaperative organizations and this is very important. We neet to look into this.
COBI new structure
Main ingridient is participation, values: inclusion, particiaption and transparency with 4 strategic lines: 1. Strong leaders and fishing organizations 1. Sustainable fisheries - Marine stuarship coucil - Monterrey bay acuarium - Fair trade standard 1. Fully protected Marine Reserves - 12 sites - 3 regional networks - 46 000 hectars 1. Public Policy - There is also a transversal line which is participatory science - María Espinosa showed COBI´s action plan and programs for the next couple of years. - For MPAs, they want to know how MPas are working in Bajaa - Diagnostic - Continue the monitoring process - revise and update monitoring mothodologies - Exploring a financial mechanism for the self suficiency of Marine Reserves - All result in the different regions should inform policy in a National Level. In other words.. they want to apply lessons learned from detailed studies like in Baja and iform the rest of Mexico. - Larry Crowder said that Funding Sources dont really support the Capacity building (Cobi´s stron leaders and fshing orgaizations). Funders would much rather to give you money to make pieces of legislations and plocy changes in fishing management rahter than giving you money to build local capacity. - Fio said that maybe having or helping build an institution like FEDECOAP that provide continueity to local capacity, leadership for marine management. - Fisherman exanges sharing experineces are very important tool that COBI is exploring - Juan Camilo, suggested to deal with the fish buyers (market) becuase these have the capacity to complety change the game. It is a very important part of the community that needts to take into the account. THe whole project depends a lot on the price of the products this communities exploit and the livelihoods of the fhisherman. this is very cool
Social ecological systems vulnerability.
Principal goal<-Work with fisherman to sustain livelihoods and ecosystem health in the face of environmnetal change - Environmental variability - External support of local adaptation - Local governance and capacity for adatptation - Provition of ecosystems goods and services
Posible ecosystem responses:
Synthesis papers: - promoting resilience in coastal ses - Recovery past legacy (El Rosario example)